Root Cause Analysis
We are committed to empowering RCA System to identify Root Causes and implementing a result-oriented solution to prevents the problem from reoccurrence
We define Root Cause Analysis as a simple and systematic process for eliminating repeated failures and building an effective problem-solving culture across the organization
We have 20+ years of experience establishing the RCA system, conducting numerous major and minor investigations, providing a wide range of RCA training, certifying professionals as RCA Specialists, and offering advanced software solutions for Reporting incidents and conducting Root Cause Analysis.
Our solutions will benefit the organization to eliminate repeated failure, bottlenecks, bad actors, and moving towards a problem-solving culture
The better case in achieving excellence through facilitated RCA approach
Improve plant availability and performance by eliminating repeated failures.
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Minimize the maintenance cost by focusing on the root cause of the problem at once.
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Save time and prevent the problem from happening again.
Simplified process for identifying, classifying, and conducting RCA for minor and major incidents.
How Can We Support You?
Root Cause Analysis is an effective tool to solve a variety of problems in a wide range of industry verticals.
RCA Expert
Consult pioneer of RCA and start your RCA journey by setting up the right management system, systematic RCA process, and effective solution implementation.
Abdulaziz is the Founder and President of the Reliability Expert Center (REC) and is known as an expert on RCA and Reliability in this region. He established complete reliability systems for many industries and played a key role in implementing the reliability system for SABIC and Ma’aden. He is having 35+ years of experience wherein 16+ years in Reliability & RCA, and 19 years in Operation and Management. He has successfully developed around 5,000+ professionals, conducted numerous audits, assessments, and led more than 60 major RCA investigations. His credible ways of consulting, teaching, and influential principles have significantly improved the safety, reliability, and performance of various major companies.
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Our Technology Partner
Report your Incident automatically and conduct RCA in a facilitated manner using ReliaSoft XFRACAS software.
ReliaSoft XFRACAS is a web-based incident (failure) reporting, analysis, and corrective action system designed for the acquisition, management, and analysis of product quality and reliability data from multiple sources. The software can be integrated with other ReliaSoft applications, which provides intelligent integration between reliability program activities and tools while simultaneously facilitating effective information sharing and cooperation between engineering teams of any size
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One stop for all your RCA needs
The path to reliability and sustainability starts here — Featuring our most provocative thinking, extensive research and compelling stories of shared success

REC welcomes you to our blog!
Reliability Expert Center (REC) is excited to introduce to you our new website and blog. Here you will find biweekly submissions of featured articles concerning Reliability, Sustainability, Lubrication, & Inspection from local and global experts that offer industry insight and best practice methods.

Preventive Maintenance Won’t Solve Your Reliability Problems
There is a great deal that can be done to improve reliability outside of preventive maintenance. Some of it involves the maintenance department, and some of it does not.

Preventive Maintenance Won’t Solve Your Reliability Problems
There is a great deal that can be done to improve reliability outside of preventive maintenance. Some of it involves the maintenance department, and some of it does not.