Achieve Full Transparency of Your Waste and Transform Data Into Insights
The global compliance burden weighs heavily on organizations and makes it difficult to manage, monitor, and minimize their waste emissions from start to finish.
SpheraCloud Waste Management software helps organizations to comply more easily and efficiently with stringent regulations regarding waste volume, shipping, and tracking of final waste disposal. Your organization can cut costs, boost productivity and meet waste minimization goals. With its proven multi-tenant, SaaS-based platform, Sphera’s Environmental Accounting software provides an exceptional user experience. It offers a broad set of data management and calculation functionality to support the rigorous waste inventory, corporate reporting, and waste disposal reporting required by today’s regulatory programs.

Top Benefits of Using Sphera’s Waste Emission Management Software
Centrally Manage Waste Vendors and Waste Stream Information
Manage waste stream information, including composition, physical properties, management method codes, and waste categories. Track the approval status of each waste stream by each waste generator and disposal facility to avoid the costly mistake of shipping wastes to incorrect disposal facilities.
Flexible Data Integration
EA Waste provides out of the box integration with the US EPA e-manifest system and makes data easily exportable in formats to meet other country-specific waste reporting requirements. Eliminate costly manual entry of waste shipment information and IT-intensive integration of Waste Shipment information from waste disposal companies. EA Waste is designed with flexible APIs that be integrated with other production and regulatory agency databases. Easily integrate EA Waste shipment information with your corporate data lake.
Transform Shipment Information Into Insights
Work with accurate, centralized waste shipment and waste stream information using the embedded BI tools (powered by Qlik) to create valuable insights. Environmental Accounting Waste is a single, traceable corporate system managing waste information to support your companies’ waste reduction objectives.
Flexible Methods of Populating Waste Shipment and Generation Information
Select from multiple methods of managing shipment information. You can manually input shipment information, import shipment information from flexible formatted spreadsheets in bulk, or import from the US EPA e-manifest system.

Our Waste Emission Management Software is available in SpheraCloud and can help you:
- Increase transparency in your waste-related information management to manage toward zero-waste
- Standardize waste characterization for accuracy and consistency across all stages and throughout your organization
- Centralize complete regulatory and corporate data and reporting, including costs and savings
- Achieve, maintain and easily prove compliance with full traceability of data
Training Courses
Find training for life data analysis, accelerated life testing, and reliability growth with guided usage of Weibull++ software.
Case Studies
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